1. Article 50 and how Brexit works

  1. Article 50 and how Brexit works
    • 1.1 Brexit – overall process
      There are many myths and misconceptions about the Brexit process and what it will involve. During the referendum campaign, near hysterical fears were voiced that somehow the UK would be plunged into a situation where we would be cut off from trading with the EU or even severely hampered in trading with the wider world.
    • 1.2 Brexit – the Article 50 process
      In the first part of our detailed guide on Brexit and how it works, we explain the process and timetable of withdrawal and the Treaty Article which governs it all.
    • 1.3 Alternatives to Article 50?
      We have explained in some detail the procedure and timetable that applies now that UK has given notice of withdrawal under Article 50 of the Treaty on European Union.

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